Across all branches of the humanities and social sciences, Osaka University is home to a particularly eminent assortment of researchers engaged in the study of “Japan”. Osaka University’s Center for Japanese Language and Culture is at the heart of the national education of exchange students, and April 2022 will see the pivotal establishment of the Division of Japanese Studies in the new Graduate School of Humanities.
The Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator (GJS-ERI) is designed to take advantage of these rich institutional resources in ways that cut across organizational boundaries. In terms of research, GJS-ERI aims to serve as a new interdisciplinary and international platform for the study of “Japan”, and in terms of education, GJS-ERI strives to provide students from all fields with the knowledge necessary for the practical application of research results for the good of society.
We warmly invite you to participate in our events and initiatives.
Director’s Message

Executive Vice President, Osaka University
What Is GJS-ERI?
The Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator (グローバル日本学教育研究拠点, GJS-ERI), established at Osaka University on December 1, 2020, aims to generate new advances in research and education by integrating the benefits of work done in both the humanities and social science disciplines.
In terms of research, GJS-ERI serves as an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of advanced academic dialogue relating to the study of Japan. The research efforts of the Incubator are geared towards creating an environment conducive to the development of Global Japanese Studies and to the effective dissemination of research results from Japan to the global academic community.
Further, GJS-ERI endeavors to translate its research results into valuable interdisciplinary and society-oriented educational programs. For students in all fields, including the natural sciences, a broad understanding of culture and society is useful when considering the practical applications of research results. Therefore, the Incubator aims to create educational programs that incorporate the study of Japan as part of an essential foundation for the training of global talent.

Major Activities
- Annual international research symposium
- Annual Graduate Conference in Japanese Studies
- Monthly Global Japanese Studies Research Workshop
- Selection and implementation of Incubator-Supported Projects
- University/community collaborative education program development
- Management of global network relationships
- Honors Program for Graduate School Students in Humanities and Social Sciences
– Global Japanese Studies Unit - Graduate Programs for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies
– Global Japanese Studies
– Digital Humanities
Organizational Structure
The administration of the Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator is overseen by the GJS-ERI Managing Committee, which consists of the deans of Osaka University graduate schools that concentrate on humanities and social science fields. Day-to-day operations are organized by the GJS-ERI Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is divided into three divisions: an Incubator Research Division that focuses on the development of international and interdisciplinary research projects, a Network Administration Division that coordinates activities between organizations inside and outside the university and engages in publicity, and a Human Resources Development Division that organizes cross-disciplinary and collaborative education programs. The essential activities of these divisions are implemented by jointly appointed faculty drawn from the various graduate schools of humanities and social sciences at Osaka University.
Core Faculty
Director | |
田中 敏宏 TANAKA Toshihiro |
Executive Vice President, Osaka University |
Incubator Research Division | |
宇野田 尚哉 UNODA Shoya |
Associate Director (Head of Incubator Research Division, Steering Committee Member); Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
小野 博司 ONO Hiroshi |
Steering Committee Member; Professor, Osaka University Law School |
鴋澤 歩 BANZAWA Ayumu |
Steering Committee Member; Professor, Graduate School of Economics |
渡邊 英理 WATANABE Eri |
Steering Committee Member; Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
南 和志 MINAMI Kazushi |
Steering Committee Member; Associate Professor, Graduate School of Human Sciences |
ランブレクト ニコラス LAMBRECHT, Nicholas |
Steering Committee Member; Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
宮原 暁 MIYAHARA Gyo |
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
三好 恵真子 MIYOSHI Emako |
Professor, Graduate School of Human Sciences |
山崎 吾郎 YAMAZAKI Goro |
Professor, Center for the Study of Co* Design |
近藤 和敬 KONDO Kazunori |
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Human Sciences |
安岡 健一 YASUOKA Kenichi |
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
ガラシーノ ファクンド GARASINO, Facundo |
Specially Appointed Lecturer, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator |
Human Resources Development Division | |
岩井 茂樹 IWAI Shigeki |
Associate Director (Head of Human Resources Development Division, Steering Committee Member); Professor, Center for Japanese Language and Culture |
野尻 英一 NOJIRI Eiichi |
Steering Committee Member; Professor, Graduate School of Human Sciences |
岡部 美香 OKABE Mika |
Professor, Graduate School of Human Sciences |
櫻井 千穂 SAKURAI Chiho |
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
永原 順子 NAGAHARA Junko |
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
松村 薫子 MATSUMURA Kaoruko |
Associate Professor, Center for Japanese Language and Culture |
松岡 里奈 MATSUOKA Rina |
Specially Appointed Lecturer, Center for Japanese Language and Culture |
Network Administration Division | |
岩井 茂樹 IWAI Shigeki |
Head of Network Administration Division, Steering Committee Member; Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
山本 ベバリー・アン YAMAMOTO Beverley Anne |
Steering Committee Member, Executive Vice President, Osaka University |
岸本 恵美 KISHIMOTO Emi |
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
筒井 佐代 TSUTSUI Sayo |
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
バーデルスキー マシュー BURDELSKI, Matthew |
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
藤平 愛美 FUJIHIRA Manami |
Associate Professor, Center for Japanese Language and Culture |
松浦 幸祐 MATSUURA Kosuke |
Assistant Professor, Center for Japanese Language and Culture |
Digital Japanese Studies Division | |
宇野田 尚哉 UNODA Shoya |
Head of Network Administration Division, Steering Committee Member; Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
田畑 智司 TABATA Tomoji |
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |
吉賀 夏子 YOSHIGA Natsuko |
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanities |