

Symposium: The Global Contexts of Zainichi Korean Literature (Saturday, July 29)

The Osaka University Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator (GJS-ERI), with support from the Consortium for Global Japanese Studies (CGJS), presents a hybrid international symposium:

The Global Contexts of Zainichi Korean Literature

  • Date/Time: Saturday, July 29, 2023, 9:30–12:30 and 13:30–16:30 JST (UTC+9)
  • Venue: Online via Zoom Webinar, or in person at the Osaka University of Foreign Studies Commemoration Hall, Research and Education Hub 1F, Osaka University Minoh Campus; see access information here
  • Registration: Required; please register here. To attend in person, please register by 16:00 JST on Tuesday, July 25. Requests to attend online will continue to be accepted after this deadline.The registration period for this event has ended.
  • Languages: English and Japanese; the morning session will include simultaneous interpretation
  • Contact:
    To promote interdisciplinary, international, and community-based research and education in Japanese studies, the Osaka University Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator (GJS-ERI) provides backing for a variety of collaborative projects that aim to develop new research networks. This international symposium presents some of the outcomes of a project from the 2021–23 funding period titled “An International Collaborative Network for Research on Zainichi Korean Literature”.

    Historically excluded from the realm of “national literature” in both Japan and Korea, Zainichi Korean literature is now attracting international attention due to heightened awareness of the fact that it has always been common for authors to move across borders and to depict multiple languages and cultures. This symposium welcomes researchers from Korea, the United States, and Japan who are actively exploring the intellectual possibilities of research into Zainichi Korean literature. In addition, the symposium will offer a basic summary of the manuscripts and other materials recently donated to GJS-ERI by the well-known Zainichi Korean poet Kim Sijong.

    This event will take place in a hybrid format and will be conducted in both English and Japanese. The morning session will include simultaneous interpretation, and the afternoon panel will be held in a bilingual format. We look forward to the participation of attendees from across Japan and around the world.

    9:30–9:45 JST
    Opening Remarks: TANAKA Toshihiro (Director of GJS-ERI and Executive Vice President, Osaka University)
    Introduction to the Symposium: UNODA Shoya (Professor and Associate Director of GJS-ERI, Osaka University)

    Session 1: Keynote speeches with simultaneous interpretation and discussion
    9:45–12:30 JST
    KIM Hwang-Gi (Professor, Dongguk University):
    “Hybrid/Transborder Korean Diasporic Literature”
    Nayoung Aimee KWON (Associate Professor, Duke University):
    “Transpacific Archives of Absence:
    Navigating Silenced Histories Across Japanese and American Empires”
    Moderators: UNODA Shoya (Professor, Osaka University) and Nicholas LAMBRECHT (Assistant Professor, Osaka University)

    Session 2: Panel session with discussion
    13:30–16:20 JST
    Cindi TEXTOR (Assistant Professor, University of Utah):
    “Muslim Migrants to Japan in Local and Global Perspective:
    From Kim Saryang’s ‘Mushi’ (1941) to Shirin Nezammafi’s ‘Salam’ (2007)”
    HOSOMI Kazuyuki (Professor, Kyoto University):
    “How to Interpret the Poetry of Kim Sijong: The Work ‘Kaseki no natsu’ as a Point of Departure”
    SAKASAI Akito (Associate Professor, University of Tokyo):
    “One More Layer: The Use of the Term ‘Korean’ in Min Jin Lee’s ‘Pachinko'”
    Discussant: CHO Kwanja (Associate Professor, Seoul National University)
    Moderators: UNODA Shoya and Nicholas LAMBRECHT (Osaka University)

    16:20–16:30 JST
    Closing Remarks: KATO Hitoshi (Professor and Associate Director of GJS-ERI, Osaka University)