
GJS Research Workshop 2023年9月例会
Japanese Racial Identities within US-Japan Relations, 1853-1919

日  時:2023年9月26日(火)17:00~18:30
会  場:オンライン開催


Tarik MERIDA(ベルリン自由大学助教授)

Facundo GARASINO(国際協力機構緒方貞子平和開発研究所研究員)

The purpose of this talk is to illustrate the process through which, at the turn of the twentieth century, the Japanese went from a racial anomaly to honorary members of the “White race.” While the racial ideology of the time theoretically classified the Japanese as “yellow,” their political, economic, and military achievements made this classification uncertain. Forced to cope with the new power in the Far East, Western nations had to devise a negotiation zone – a racial middle ground – in which they could accommodate the Japanese and adapt their racial identity. The idea of a racial middle ground enables us to understand how the Japanese managed, by diplomatic skills and political pressure, to differentiate themselves from other “colored races” and assert their status as a “modern” nation.
